Thursday, August 31, 2017

MEDIA RELEASE: Central Oregon Fire Management Evening Update - August 31

Contact: (541) 316-7711

COIDC Evening Update, August 31

Redmond, OR – No new fires were reported today. Air quality conditions improved throughout much of the area today, but there is still expected to be smoke impacts over the coming days due to the number of fires burning across the northwest. The weather forecast indicates that the relative humidity will drop into the single digits on Friday, and Saturday will be extremely warm and dry. Please remember that there is a complete burn ban and an Industrial Fire Precaution Level IV on federal lands in Central Oregon.

McKay Fire - Located east of Hwy 97 and north of county road 21 near McKay Butte, is 1221 acres and 50% contained. There was a spot across a containment line last night, which has been mopped up and contained. Mop up along all areas of the fire will continue tomorrow. Firefighters are requesting that the public stay out of the fire area between Forest Service roads 9735 and 9720. There are currently 12 engines, 2 dozers, 3 IA Crews, and 3 water tenders working on this fire for a total of 119 personnel.

Nash Fire - Due to the Nash Fire burning in the Willamette National Forest, the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office has issued a Level Two evacuation notification for the Elk Lake and Hosmer Lake Areas and a Level One notification for areas surrounding Lava Lake. Currently, the Cascade Lakes Hwy, FS 46, remains open.
Level Two: Elk Lake Resort, Elk Lake Campground (CG), Point CG, Little Fawn CG, Mallard Marsh CG, Sunset View Day Use Area, Beach Day Use Area, and Quinn Meadows Horse Camp.
Level One: Lava Lake Resort, Lava Lake CG, and Little Lava Lake CG.

Level One (pre-evacuation) means “Be Ready” for potential evacuation. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information. Level Two evacuation means “Be Set” to evacuate. You must prepare to leave at a moment’s notice. This level indicates there is significant danger to your area. For information on these evacuation notifications, you can call the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office at 541-693-6911.

For information on the Nash Fire, call the Willamette wildfires information line at 541-719-8371.

Milli Fire – Located west of Sisters is currently 22,190 acres and 44% contained. Level One and Two evacuations are still in place for residential areas outside of Sisters and a closure is in place for the area surrounding the Milli Fire. For more information on the Milli Fire, visit or call the Milli Fire Information Line at 541-719-8135.

For information on air quality, visit or
For road conditions and closures due to wildfires, visit

For more information, follow us at or on Twitter at @CentralORFire. For the Central Oregon Fire Information hotline, please call 541-316-7711.


Milli Fire Morning Update - August 31

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
Youtube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Size: Approximately 22,190 acres
Percent Contained: 44%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 451 personnel

Milli Fire
August 31, 2017 Daily Update

The private land within the perimeter once again became active late yesterday afternoon. Crews patrolled the eastern fireline and found one small spot fire, 20 feet by 20 feet in size. The spot was contained. Firefighters worked through the night to complete a low-intensity burnout on the private land which will strengthen the eastern fire line.

Fuels continue to burn within the fire perimeter which will produce some smoke. Fire behavior consists mostly of creeping and smoldering with a few isolated pockets of unburned trees potentially torching. Firefighters have found minimal hotspots within contained areas of the fire. They will continue to patrol, mop up, and rehab contained areas of the fire.

Clear skies yesterday afternoon allowed a reconnaissance plane to fly over the fire and look for any additional spot fires outside the fireline. No spot fires were found. The west side of the fire continues to burn down slope into the Three Sisters Wilderness and established containment lines. The south side of the fire that is burning into the Pole Creek Fire scar did not significantly grow. All containment lines held even with strong winds yesterday.

Good progress is being made on rehabilitation in and around the contained areas on the fire. Crews, dozers, excavators and wood chippers continue to work to return the fire area, control lines and dozer lines to a more natural state.

Central Oregon’s Northwest Type 2 Incident Management Team (IMT) 8 is working with the Southwest Area Type 1 IMT today in preparation to transition management of the Milli Fire late this afternoon.

Weather is expected to become warmer and drier, with temperatures in the 90’s over the holiday weekend. Air quality is expected to vary in the next few days as several fires continue to burn in the area.

Level 1 and 2 evacuations remain in effect. Call Deschutes County Sheriff’s office at 541-693-6911 with evacuation questions. Current evacuation levels: Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences. Elk Lake and Hosmer Lake areas including: Elk Lake Resort, Elk Lake CG, Point CG, Little Fawn CG, Mallard Marsh CG, Sunset View Day Use Area, Beach Day Use Area, and Quinn Meadows Horse Camp Level 1 – Tollgate subdivision, all areas between OR 242 and US 20, west of Cold Springs Cutoff (Forest Road 1018) which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures - OR 242 is closed east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR 15. For further information see
Forest Closures- For further information go to:
Smoke monitoring- Information is available at:


Air Quality Outlook for East Cascades - August 31

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

MEDIA RELEASE: Fire Management Evening Update for Central Oregon - August 30

Contact: (541) 316-7711

COIDC Evening Update, August 30

Redmond, OR – Three new fires were reported in La Pine today – all were contained quickly. Two new fires were reported on the Post-Paulina Hwy and contained at a half acre or less.

McKay Fire - Located east of Hwy 97 and north of FS 21 near McKay Butte, remains at 1219 acres and is now 50% contained. Containment lines established on the fire overnight held throughout the day today, while crews patrolled for spotfires and improved the lines. Mop up along the fire perimeter continues. Firefighters are requesting that the public stay out of the fire area between Forest Service roads 9735 and 9720. There are currently 12 engines, 2 dozers, 2 IA Crews, and 2 water tenders working on this fire for a total of 118 personnel.

Nash Fire - Due to another day of active fire behavior on the Nash Fire burning in the Willamette National Forest, the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office has issued a Level Two (Get Set) notification for the Elk Lake and Hosmer Lake Areas and a Level One (Get Ready) for areas surrounding Lava Lake. Currently, the Cascade Lakes Hwy, FS 46, remains open.
Level Two (Get Set): Elk Lake Resort, Elk Lake Campground (CG), Point CG, Little Fawn CG, Mallard Marsh CG, Sunset View Day Use Area, Beach Day Use Area, and Quinn Meadows Horse Camp.

Level One (Get Ready): Lava Lake Resort, Lava Lake CG, and Little Lava Lake CG.

Level One (pre-evacuation) means “Be Ready” for potential evacuation. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information. Level Two evacuation means “Get Set” to evacuate. You must prepare to leave at a moment’s notice. This level indicates there is significant danger to your area. For information on these evacuation notifications, you can call the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office at 541-693-6911.

Milli Fire – Located west of Sisters is currently 21,703 acres and 44% contained. The fire became very active on the private land within the fire perimeter. The Southwest Incident Management Team 2 is transitioning today with the Central Oregon Type 2 IMT 8, and will transfer command of the fire Thursday afternoon. Level One and Level Two evacuations are still in place for residential areas outside of Sisters and a closure is in place for the area surrounding the Milli Fire. For more information on the Milli Fire, visit or call the Milli Fire Information Line at 541-719-8135

For information on air quality, visit or

For road conditions and closures due to wildfires, visit

For more information, follow us at or on Twitter at @CentralORFire. For the Central Oregon Fire Information hotline, please call 541-316-7711.



Sharing for the Deschutes C. Sheriff's Office

News Release from Deschutes Co. Sheriff's Office
Posted on FlashAlert: August 30th, 2017 1:59 PM
Released by: Sgt. Nathan Garibay, Emergency Services Manager

Due to increased fire behavior and expected growth on the Nash Fire located on the Willamette National Forest northwest of Cascades Lake Hwy, the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office is issuing the following notices.

Level 2 (Set) Evacuation Notice for the following areas:

Areas surrounding Elk Lake and Hosmer Lake including: Elk Lake Resort, Elk Lake CG, Point CG, Little Fawn CG, Mallard Marsh CG, Sunset View Day Use Area, Beach Day Use Area, and Quinn Meadows Horse Camp.

Level 2: Means "GET SET" to evacuate. You must prepare to leave at a moment's notice. This level indicates there is significant danger to your area, and residents should either voluntary relocate to a shelter or with family and friends outside of the affected area, or if choosing to remain, to be ready to evacuate at a moment's notice. Residents MAY have time to gather necessary items, but doing so is at their own risk. This may be the only notice you receive. Emergency services cannot guarantee that they will be able to notify you if conditions rapidly deteriorate. Area media services will be asked to broadcast periodic updates.

Level 1 (Ready) for the following areas:

Areas surrounding Lava Lake including:

Areas surrounding Lava Lake and Little Lava Lake including: Lave Lake Resort, Lave Lake CG, and Little Lava Lake CG

Level 1: Means "BE READY" for potential evacuation. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information. This is the time for preparation and precautionary movements of persons with special needs, mobile property and (under certain circumstances) pets and livestock. If conditions worsen, emergency services personnel may contact you via an emergency notification system.

Current maps including evacuation areas can be found at:

The Sheriff's Office will continue to coordinate with the United States Forest Service and the incident management team assigned to the fire.

McKay Fire Map - August 30 12:00 PM

Update on the McKay Fire - 11:40 on August 30

The McKay Fire, east of La Pine, is currently estimated at 1219 acres due to more accurate mapping. Crews are continuing mop up and patrolling looking for any spots across the lines. Visibility throughout the area is very poor due to smoke.

Milli Fire Daily Update - August 30

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Milli Fire
August 30, 2017 Daily Update

Yesterday afternoon, the fire became very active on the private land within the fire perimeter. Crews worked through the night to monitor the area, backburning as needed to keep fire intensity down. With forecasted westerly winds today, crews will continue to focus work in this area, watching for spot fires and mopping up.

Taking advantage of a short period of clear skies yesterday, a reconnaissance helicopter flew the fire to look for possible spot fires outside the fireline. No spot fires were found. The south side of OR 242 was actively burning down slope and is expected to burn to OR 242 today. The southwest corner of the fire did have an active burn area putting up a smoke column.

The Southwest Area T1 Incident Management Team today is preparing to transition management of the Milli Fire to the Central Oregon Type 2 IMT8. The Oregon T2 IMT will be briefed this evening and assume command Thursday afternoon, August 31.

The Milli Fire Helibase moved locations yesterday, it is now located just outside of Sisters. The new location positions the aircraft closer to the fire and fire camp, will improve radio and phone communications, and places the aircraft inside the Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) area that is in place for the fire.

Very Unhealthy and Hazardous air quality was reported throughout the night. Expect similar air quality conditions today. High temperatures, low relative humidity with many fires in the area are contributing to the smoke in Central Oregon.

Good progress is being made on rehabilitation to the contained areas on the southeast side of the fire. Crews, dozers, excavators and wood chippers continue to work in the area beginning to return control lines to a more natural state.

Level 1 and 2 evacuation levels are still in place for some communities around the Milli Fire. Questions on evacuation levels need to be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office at 541-693-6911. Current evacuation levels: Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes. Level 1 – Tollgate subdivision, all areas between OR 242 and US 20, west of Cold Springs Cutoff (Forest Road 1018) which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures - US 20 is open east and westbound. However, single lane traffic with a pilot car will create significant delays. OR 242 is closed east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR 15. For further information see
Forest Closures- For further information go to:
Smoke monitoring- Information is available at:

MEDIA RELEASE: Central Oregon Fire Management Morning Update, August 30

Contact: (541) 316-7711

COIDC Morning Update, August 30

Redmond, OR – The McKay Fire, located east of Hwy 97 and north of County Road 21 near McKay Butte, is currently estimated at 1,364 acres. Last night, crews and operators were able to get a line around the entire fire and will work to hold and improve those lines today. Also, crews will be monitoring and patrolling for any spots across the line. Firefighters are requesting that the public stay out of the fire area between Forest Service roads 9735 and 9720. There are currently 12 engines, 2 dozers, 2 IA Crews, and 2 water tenders working on this fire for a total of 110 personnel. Although aviation resources are available, the ability for these resources to be utilized may be limited due to visibility.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office has issued a Level One (pre-evacuation) notification for the Elk Lake Area due to the Nash Fire, burning in the Willamette National Forest. The following areas in the Level One are as follows: Elk Lake Resort, Elk Lake Campground (CG), Point CG, Little Fawn CG, Mallard Marsh CG, Sunset View Day Use Area, Beach Day Use Area, and Quinn Meadows Horse Camp. Currently, the Cascade Lakes Hwy, FS 46, remains open.

Level One (pre-evacuation) means “Be Ready” for potential evacuation. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information. For information on these evacuation notifications, you can call the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office at 541-693-6911.

Two fires yesterday south of Lava Butte triggered the evacuation of the Lava River Cave and Lava Lands Visitor Center in the Deschutes National Forest. All containment lines held overnight and crews will continue to mop up these fires today. Those visitor facilities have reopened to the public today.

For information on air quality, visit or

For road conditions and closures due to wildfires, visit

For more information, follow us at or on Twitter at @CentralORFire. For the Central Oregon Fire Information hotline, please call 541-316-7711.


Map of the McKay Fire - August 30

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

MEDIA RELEASE: Fire Management Evening Update - August 29

Contact: (541) 316-7711

COIDC Evening Update, August 29

Redmond, OR – Several new fires were reported today across Central Oregon. Two new fires were found south of Lava Butte and triggered the evacuation of the Lava River Cave and Lava Lands Visitor Center in the Deschutes National Forest just south of Bend. One of the fires is fully lined and currently being mopped up and is estimated at two acres. The second fire is less than two acres and crews are still working on containing several spots that were estimated at ¼ to a ½ acre.

The McKay Fire, located east of Hwy 97 and north of FS 21 near McKay Butte, was also reported today. This fire is currently estimated at 120 acres and is being managed by a Type 3 Incident Commander. Firefighters are requesting that the public stay out of the fire area between Forest Service roads 9735 and 9720. There are currently 12 engines, 2 dozers, 2 IA Crews, and 2 water tenders working on this fire for a total of 110 personnel.

Fire crews also assisted Walker Range Rural Fire Protection Association on a new fire today, 10 miles south of La Pine near Hwy 97. The fire is contained at approximately 1.5 acres.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office has issued a Level One (pre-evacuation) notification for the Elk Lake Area due to the Nash Fire, burning in the Willamette National Forest. The Nash Fire and the Separation Fire have showed active fire behavior over the past two days and are believed to have grown together. The following areas in the Level One are as follows: Elk Lake Resort, Elk Lake Campground (CG), Point CG, Little Fawn CG, Mallard Marsh CG, Sunset View Day Use Area, Beach Day Use Area, and Quinn Meadows Horse Camp. Currently, the Cascade Lakes Hwy, FS 46, remains open.

Level One (pre-evacuation) means “Be Ready” for potential evacuation. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information. For information on these evacuation notifications, you can call the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office at 541-693-6911.

The air quality conditions degraded through the day today and are currently showing as Unhealthy for most of Central Oregon. For more information on air quality, visit or

For road conditions and closures due to wildfires, visit

For more information, follow us at or on Twitter at @CentralORFire. For the Central Oregon Fire Information hotline, please call 541-316-7711.


Milli Fire Evening Update - August 29

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Milli​ ​Fire
August 29, 2017 Evening Update

Smoke​ ​from​ ​the​ ​Whitewater​ ​Fire​ ​on​ ​the​ ​Willamette​ ​National​ ​Forest​ ​and​ ​several​ ​other​ ​fires​ ​is​ ​coming​ ​into​ ​the​ ​Milli​ ​Fire​ ​area. A few new starts were reported this afternoon on the Bend - Fort Rock District of the Deschutes National Forest.

Westerly​ ​winds​ ​yesterday​ ​moved​ ​the​ ​fire​ ​into​ ​established​ ​containment​ ​lines​ ​including​ ​the​ ​burnout​ ​area​ ​as​ ​expected.​ Unburned fuel in the Wilderness and along OR 242 near the lava fields produced some smoke as they were consumed today.
Crews​ ​accessed​ ​the​ ​area​ ​northwest​ ​of​ ​the​ ​fire​ ​to​ ​mop-up​ ​the​ ​spot​ ​fire​ ​and​ ​patrol​ for other spots. The 2 acre spot fire is contained.

Good​ ​progress​ ​was​ ​made​ ​on​ ​the​ ​final​ ​segment​ ​of​ ​the​ ​eastern​ ​perimeter.​ ​Crews were able to access the Whychus Canyon after overhead hazards were removed. Engine crews will continue to patrol the southern and eastern edges of the fire.
Night​ ​operations​ ​concluded​ ​last​ ​night.​ ​Firefighters who previously worked the night shift will be transitioned to day operations.

There​ ​have​ ​been​ ​significant​ ​changes​ ​in​ ​air​ ​quality​ ​during​ ​the​ ​day.​ ​Concentration​ ​levels​ ​increased​ ​to​ ​Very​ ​Healthy.​ ​Expect Very Unhealthy to Hazardous air quality this evening through tomorrow morning.

Evacuation​ ​questions​ ​should​ ​be​ ​directed​ ​to​ ​the​ ​Deschutes​ ​County​ ​Sheriff's​ ​office​ ​non-emergency​ ​number​ ​at​ ​541-693-6911​.
Current​ ​evacuation​ ​levels:​ ​Level​ ​2​–​ ​Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes.
Level​ ​1​ ​–​ ​Tollgate subdivision, all areas between OR 242 and US 20, west of Cold Springs Cutoff (Forest Road 1018) which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Fuels​ ​such​ ​as​ ​snags​ ​and​ ​dead,​ ​downed​ ​wood​ ​within​ ​the​ ​fire​ ​perimeter​ ​will​ ​continue​ ​to​ ​burn​ ​making this a long duration fire. The fire will continue to burn at a lower intensity over the coming weeks. This could continue to produce smoke in the area. Closures will remain in place for some time to protect public safety and to allow land managers to begin rehabbing the burned areas. This will be the final evening update unless fire activity increases.

Road​ ​Closures​ ​-​ ​ ​US 20 is closed just west of Suttle Lake to Potato Hill. OR 242 is closed east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR
15. For further information see

Forest​ ​Closures-​ ​For further information go to:

Smoke​ ​monitoring-​ ​ ​Information is available at:​ ​oregonsmoke.blogsp


Sharing for the Deschutes Co. Sheriff's Office

News Release from Deschutes Co. Sheriff's Office
Posted on FlashAlert: August 29th, 2017 4:36 PM
Released by: Sgt. Nathan Garibay, Emergency Services Manager

Due to increased fire behavior and expected growth on the Nash Fire located on the Willamette National Forest northwest of Cascades Lake Hwy, the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office is issuing a Level 1 (Ready) Evacuation Notice for the following areas:

Areas surrounding Elk Lake and Hosmer Lake including: Elk Lake Resort, Elk Lake CG, Point CG, Little Fawn CG, Mallard Marsh CG, Sunset View Day Use Area, Beach Day Use Area, and Quinn Meadows Horse Camp.

Level 1: Means "BE READY" for potential evacuation. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information. This is the time for preparation and precautionary movements of persons with special needs, mobile property and (under certain circumstances) pets and livestock. If conditions worsen, emergency services personnel may contact you via an emergency notification system.

The Sheriff's Office will continue to coordinate with the United States Forest Service and the incident management team assigned to the fire.

Contact Info:

Fires around Newberry National Volcanic Monument

Sharing for Deschutes National Forest

BEND-Three fires started in areas around Newberry National Volcanic Monument at approximately 1 p.m. this afternoon.

One fire (#1036) is 2 acres and fully lined at this time with crews working to contain the fire.

A second fire (#1035) is burning 2 miles SE of Lava Butte on the east side of Hwy 97. It also is lined and crews are working on containing the fire. The fire did get two spot fires that threatened Lava River Cave and prompted Forest Service Law Enforcement officials to evacuate Lava River Cave and Lava Lands Visitor Center. Those two sites will remain closed for today.

A third fire (#1035) located 1 mile north of Ogden Group Camp within Newberry National Volcanic Monument is creating the greatest threat. The fire is currently 30 acres and extremely active.

Handcrews, bulldozers, engines, helicopters and tankers are all responding to these fires this afternoon.

As more information is available, updates will be provided.


Milli Fire Morning Update - August 29

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
Youtube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Size: Approximately 21,100 acres
Percent Contained: 32%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 528 personnel

Milli Fire
August 29, 2017 Morning Update

Crews worked overnight to gain better access to a remote 2-3 acre spot fire. Today, firefighters will use that access to mop-up the spot and patrol the area for any other spots.

Westerly winds yesterday drove the fire into remaining fuels near Black Crater and the established containment lines. This was expected fire behavior and subsequently helps provide for a lower intensity burn. This was the “glow” seen in the communities of Black Butte Ranch and Crossroads. Unburned fuel remains in the Wilderness area and close to OR 242 near the lava fields and will continue to produce smoke as it is consumed.

In the last segment of uncontained fire in the southeastern edge, a large hazardous tree finally fell. This tree’s falling gives crews safer access to build containment line on the last connecting segment on the eastern edge. Engine crews are continuing to pick up hose lays and are patrolling the southern and eastern edges of the fire.

Night operations concluded last night. Firefighters who previously worked the overnight shift will now be rolled into day operations.

Expect air quality tomorrow to decrease to unhealthy conditions in the AM hours in the areas surrounding the Milli Fire. Residents should avoid outdoor activity as much as possible. Afternoon winds out of the west may move smoke out of the area and will likely change air quality to moderate levels. The communities of Sisters, Bend, and Redmond should expect to see ash falling as the Milli Fire continues to burn near Black Crater.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office non-emergency number at 541-693-6911. Current evacuation levels: Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes. Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and
west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR 242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:


Monday, August 28, 2017

Milli Fire Evening Update - August 28

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
Youtube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Size: Approximately 18,067 acres
Percent Contained: 32%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 651 personnel

Milli Fire
August 28, 2017 Evening Update

There will be a public meeting this evening at 6 PM. at Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire, closures and evacuations will be provided.

The internal area on the Milli Fire continued to burn actively today, primarily in the burnout areas on the north side of the fire. This active burning produced smoke and ash fall throughout the Sisters communities. Residences in Black Butte Ranch and surrounding areas can expect ash fallout and heavy smoke conditions through the evening and into tomorrow.

Aerial ignitions did not occur today since the helicopter conducting this operation could not fly safely at low altitude in the heavy smoke. A specialized aircraft flying at higher altitude was able to fly above the smoke layer to monitor the fires activity. Infra-red technology within the aircraft was able to monitor the perimeter of the fire and find the areas producing heat.

One three-acre spot fire was found on the northwest corner of the fire on the north side of the lava bed today. Crews were able to stop progress on the spot and are currently monitoring the area to insure there are no other spot fires.

The west side of the fire continued to be active through the day. The hotter and drier weather continues to allow the fire to burn more actively than it has for the last few days.

The east side of the fire is no longer showing major heat on the infra-red maps, and the area is in the beginning stages of rehab. Crews continue to remove fuels and use chippers to disperse the fuels that were cut and moved to create fire line to stop the fires spread. Dozer lines will have dirt and fuels moved back on to them to restore them to a more natural state. Rehab of the fire will continue in areas the fire is considered contained.

The fire closure area for the Milli Fire remains unchanged. All areas to the west of FR 16 remain closed. There will be a continuing presence of firefighting personnel and equipment in the area, and it is requested that motorists use caution in this area.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office non-emergency number at 541-693-6911. Current evacuation levels: Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes. Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR 242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:


Smokey Filter on Snapchat - TOMORROW at NOON!

Milli Fire Morning Update - August 28

Milli Fire
August 28, 2017 Morning Update

There will be a public meeting this evening. A public meeting is planned for Monday, August 28th, 6 p.m. at Sisters High School,1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire, closures and evacuations will be provided.

Yesterday was a productive day for firefighters. Despite smoky conditions that hampered aerial ignitions, progress continued in the area between Bluegrass Butte and OR 242, this being the only area able to be ignited from the air. These ignitions completed the burnout to the lava fields. Burning was completed from north to south, west of FR 1018. As much of the containment work is nearing completion, work on the fire at night is being scaled back.

Southern and eastern portions of the fire were quiet. Near Whychus overlook, several small areas became more active as the temperatures increased during the day, but helicopters dropping water extinguished the smokes quickly. Other smokes appeared over the eastern side of the fire but were well inside the fire perimeter and were also handled by helicopter water drops. Two smoke columns developed briefly in the Three Sisters Wilderness during the afternoon, then dissipated. One column was on the far southwest side of the fire, the other column formed over Black Crater. The fire burned actively until around 2 AM.

More aerial ignitions will begin today if conditions allow. This is being done to help establish a lower intensity fire in the yet unburned area in the middle of existing containment lines. Crews will continue to monitor and patrol the containment lines. Today’s weather is expected to be sunny and warm with areas of dense smoke. All the fires in the area will remain active from the warm temperatures and low humidity. Upper level winds will be from the southwest, carrying smoke from other fires into the area. The fire closure area for the Milli Fire remains unchanged. All areas to the west of FR 16 will remain closed. There will be a continuing presence of firefighting personnel and equipment in the area, and it is requested that motorists use caution in this area.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office non-emergency number at 541-693-6911. Current evacuation levels: Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes. Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR 242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Milli Fire Evening Update - August 27

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team

Milli Fire
August 27, 2017 Evening Update

The predicted transport winds out of the southwest has moved smoke over onto Black Butte Ranch and Sisters this afternoon. Residences in Black Butte Ranch and surrounding areas can expect ash fallout and heavy smoke conditions through the evening and into tomorrow.

With the warmer and drier conditions the fire has been more active. On the southeast side, along the tip of the fire, the fire has been a little more active and is putting up smoke along the edges. Crews are working to control the area using helicopter bucket drops. Mop up, patrol and fireline rehab continues along the northeast side. On the northwest side of the fire crews were able to continue burning out the section west of FR 1018, securing and deepening this section of line in anticipation of aerial burnout when conditions allow for it. To the west, near the Lava Camp Lake, the fire continues to move slowly towards the lava field.

When conditions are favorable firefighters are prepared to introduce fire into the unburned area within the fire lines. The burnout operations will strengthen a fire break and reduce the fuel load and potential for extreme fire behavior. Firefighters are planning aerial ignitions around the northwest flank of the fire. Aerial ignition may be used to establish sections of slow moving fire in the unburned area between the active fire on the north slope of Black Crater and the burnout operation crews have established west of FR 1018 south of OR 242. Fire personnel have plans to ignite small, unburned areas from a helicopter, potentially over several days. Igniting small, controlled spot fires within the fire perimeter will help keep fire intensity low while minimizing risk to fire personnel.

A public meeting is planned for Monday, August 28th, 6 p.m. at Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire, closures and evacuations will be provided.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office
non-emergency number at 541-693-6911. Current evacuation levels: Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes. Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and
west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR 242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:

Milli Fire Air Quality Summary Report - August 27

Milli Fire Morning Update - August 27

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
YouTube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Size: Approximately 15,509 acres
Percent Contained: 32%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 672 personnel

Milli Fire
August 27, 2017 Morning Update

Night shift resources continued burnouts to increase the probability of success for planned aerial ignitions. In the coming days if conditions remain favorable, firefighters are planning aerial ignitions around the northwest flank of the fire. Aerial ignition may be used to establish sections of slow moving fire in the unburned area between the active fire on the north slope of Black Crater and the burnout operation crews have established west of FR 1018 south of OR 242. Fire personnel have plans to ignite small, unburned areas from a helicopter, potentially over several days. Igniting small, controlled spot fires within the fire perimeter will help keep fire intensity low while minimizing risk to fire personnel.

Work continues with clearing fuels along strategic roadways as well as mop up along the fire's edge. Resources working along FR 15 expect to complete work in that area today securing the fire perimeter. Mop up, patrol and fireline rehab continues along the northeast side of the fire while other firefighters are monitoring the far eastern edge as the fire slowly moves through very steep country near FR 16. Helicopters using water drops may be used to extinguish hot spots if fire activity increases there. Crews will continue to burn west of FR 1018 to widen the existing containment line.

Warmer and drier weather for another day. It will be sunny and warm today with areas of dense smoke.

There will be no public meeting this evening. A public meeting is planned for Monday, August 28th, 6 p.m. at Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire, closures and evacuations will be provided.

The fire closure area for the Milli Fire was slightly reduced. Significant changes to the closure included the opening of Forest Road 16, the campgrounds at Three Creeks Lake, Tam MacArthur Rim and the Petersen Ridge trail system, east of FR 16. All areas to the west of FR 16 will remain closed. There will be a continuing presence of firefighting personnel and equipment in the area, and it is requested that motorists use caution in this area.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office
non-emergency number at 541-693-6911. Current evacuation levels: Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes. Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and
west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR 242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Milli Fire Evening Update, August 26

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
Youtube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Size: Approximately 13,780 acres
Percent Contained: 32%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 683 personnel

Milli Fire
August 26, 2017 Evening Update
There will be no public meeting this evening. A public meeting is planned for Monday, August 28th, 6 p.m. at Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire, closures and evacuations will be provided.

Warmer and drier weather continues through the weekend. Fire activity continued on the west side of the fire burning in the wilderness. Dependent on weather, this area can periodically become more active and show more smoke. It is predicted that the Lava Camp Lake will not sustain extensive damage due to the sparse fuels in the area.

Day shift crews continue burnout operations to strengthen fire lines. Favorable weather conditions are allowing good progress along Forest Road 1018, south of OR 242, where crews conducted a burnout to close a small opening in the containment line. Firefighters in the field described the burnouts as very successful. Other areas of the fire showed minimal activity.
Burnout operations north of the fire in a block of land between FR 1030 and OR 242 are almost completed. Crews in that area are patrolling the exterior of the burned line to ensure there is no escaped fire.

Work continues with clearing fuels along strategic roadways as well as mop-up along the fire's edge. Mop-up continues along the eastern edge of the fire where firefighters are concentrating on the southeast corner. Crews can only safely enter certain areas of this portion of the fire. Where it is unsafe for firefighters, extinguishment is conducted by helicopters using water drops. Mop up is a methodical process in which firefighters work a distance in from the control line, extinguishing all burning material, felling snags and moving or securing logs to prevent them rolling downhill. This activity further strengthens the containment line. Fire suppression efforts are near completion south of the fire’s edge along FR 15.

The fire closure area for the Milli Fire was slightly reduced. Significant changes to the closure included the opening of Forest Road 16, the campgrounds at Three Creeks Lake, Tam MacArthur Rim and the Petersen Ridge trail system, east of FR 16. All areas to the west of FR 16 will remain closed. There will be a continuing presence of firefighting personnel and equipment in the area, and it is requested that motorists use caution in this area.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office non-emergency number at 541-693-6911. Current evacuation levels: Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes. Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and
west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR 242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of FR 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:

Milli Fire Morning Update - August 26

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
Youtube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Size: Approximately 13,780 acres
Percent Contained: 32%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 683 personnel

Milli Fire
August 26, 2017 Morning Update
There will be no public meeting this evening. A public meeting is planned for Monday, August 28th, 6 p.m. at Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire closures and evacuations will be provided.

Beginning this morning at 8 a.m. the fire closure area for the Milli Fire will be slightly reduced. Significant changes to the closure include the opening of Forest Road 16, the campgrounds at Three Creeks Lake, Tam MacArthur Rim and the Petersen Ridge trail system, east of Forest Road 16. All areas west of Forest Road 16 will remain closed. There will be a continuing presence of firefighting personnel and equipment in the area and it is requested that motorists use caution in this area.

The offensive actions along Forest Road 1018 south of OR 242 continued throughout the night. Crews are continuing to reduce the fuel load and prep between the fire and structures to the east of the fire. This activity was supported by 2 air tanker drops of retardant when a small window opened late Friday afternoon. Smoke rolled in causing the prepping of these areas with retardant to be suspended for safety reasons.

Throughout the night last night conditions were favorable for burnout operations. Crews took advantage of the opportunity and initiated burnout along FR 1030, which is just north of OR 242 to the north of the fire area. These tactics were successful in building a control feature there. Day shift crews will strengthen and patrol this line today.

Warmer and drier weather is predicted to increase fire activity this weekend. Fire activity on the west side of the fire burning in the wilderness is expected to increase and smoke columns will once again be seen in the area.

Work continues with clearing fuels along strategic roadways as well as mop-up along the fire's edge. Mop-up continues on the east edge of the fire, firefighters are concentrating on the southeast corner, which is difficult and unsafe terrain for the firefighters to access. Forest Road 15 south of the fire's edge continues to be prepped to be used as a containment line.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office non-emergency number: 541-693-6911

Current evacuation levels:
Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes.
Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of Forest Road 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:

Friday, August 25, 2017

Closure Area for Milli Fire Reduces - August 25

Sharing for the Deschutes National Forest

Jean Nelson-Dean, Public Affairs Officer, 541-383-5561
Date: August 25, 2017

Closure Area for Milli Fire Reduces
Forest Road 16 and Petersen Ridge Trail System will open tomorrow
SISTERS–Beginning tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. the fire closure area for the Milli Fire will be slightly reduced. Significant changes to the closure include the opening of Forest Service Road 16, the campgrounds at Three Creeks Lake, Tam MacArthur Rim and the Petersen Ridge trail system, east of Forest Road 16.
What remains closed includes:
• Park Meadow Trail #4075
• Metolius Windigo Trail #99 from the Graham Corral Horse Camp to the trail junction with Park Meadow Trail #4075
• Green Lakes Trail #17 is closed from Park Meadow Trail #4075 to Lava Camp Lake at Hwy 242
• Black Crater Trail #4058
• Millican Crater Trail #4066 and Trailhead
• Scott Pass Trail #4068 and Trailhead
• North Matthieu Lake Trail #4062
• Trout Creek Tie Trail #4067
• Chush Falls Trail #4080
• Pole Creek Trail #4072
• Whychus Overlook Trail
• Whychus Creek Trail
• Whispering Pines Campground
• Sisters Cow Camp
• Cold Springs Campground
• Lava Camp Lake Campground

The following trails on the Deschutes National Forest are closed in addition to the area closure:
• Camp Lake Trail #4074
• Demaris Lake Trail #4074.1

With the start of archery season, hunters and the general public are encouraged to KNOW BEFORE YOU GO by contacting the Sisters Ranger District office at 541-549-7700. Having a hunting tag for the area does not allow an individual to enter an area under the Fire Closure.
For information on the Milli Fire, please visit:

Milli Fire Evening Update, August 25

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
YouTube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Percent Contained: 32%
Size: Approximately 13,485 acres
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 673 personnel

Milli Fire
August 25, 2017 Evening Update

Planned aerial and burnout activities were delayed today due to poor visibility from heavy smoke, but were commencing as of the release of this update. Operations will continue as conditions allow. Plans involve air support from planes dropping fire retardant to prepare a line of defense for future burnout operations in an area north of OR 242. The retardant will coat the fuel bed making it less receptive to possible ignition. This is a precautionary measure to help minimize fire spread, coupled with the mechanical clearing conducted over the past few days. Crews were also delayed in burning this afternoon along Forest Road 1018 south of OR 242. If conditions allow for a burnout tonight residents of Black Butte Ranch could see distant flames as well as smoke during these operations. These burnout activities and retardant drops are being conducted to build a fuel break or "catcher's mitt" intended to stop the fire should it spread toward the north and east. Burning operations could continue for the next few evenings.

Warmer and drier weather is predicted to increase fire activity this weekend. Fire activity on the west side of the fire burning in the wilderness is expected to increase and smoke columns will once again be seen from the area.

Work continues with clearing fuels along strategic roadways as well as mop-up along the fire's edge. Mop-up continues on the east edge of the fire, firefighters are concentrating on the southeast corner, which is difficult and unsafe terrain for the firefighters to access. Forest Road 15 south of the fire's edge continues to be prepped to be used as a containment line.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. At this time there are still communities under a Level 1 (Be Ready) and Level 2 (Be Set) evacuation level. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office non-emergency number: 541-693-6911

Current evacuation levels:
Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes.
Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of Forest Road 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:

Structure Protection Video from the Milli Fire

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team

Structure protection video from the Milli Fire

Operational Update on the Milli Fire - August 25

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Operational Briefing Video for the Milli Fire - August 25

MEDIA ADVISORY: Milli Fire Update, 12:30 PM August 25

Shared for the SWA Incident Management Team 2​​


Residents today in the Sisters area will see increased activity on the Milli Fire. Beginning early this afternoon, the Southwest Area Incident Management Team will be using air support involving planes dropping fire retardant to prepare an area north of OR 242 for a burn operation later this evening. The retardant will coat the fuel bed, putting an additional barrier between the burn and unburned fuel on the other side. This is a precautionary measure to minimize fire spread, coupled with the mechanical clearing conducted over the past few days. Crews will also be burning during the afternoon hours today along Forest Road 1018 south of OR 242. Folks who live in the Black Butte area could see flames as well as smoke during these burnout operations.

When complete, the burnout will effectively build a line of defense between the northern end of the fire and the structures and land to the north and east. These burnout operations and retardant drops are being conducted to build a fuel break or "catcher's mitt," intended to stop the fire should it spread toward the north and east. Burning operations could continue for the next few evenings.

Warmer and drier weather is predicted to increase fire activity this weekend. Fire activity on the west side of the fire burning in the wilderness is expected to increase and smoke columns will once again be seen from the area.

Night Operations on the Milli Fire

Air Quality Summary Report - August 25

Sharing from the Whitewater Fire

Milli Fire Morning Update, August 25

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire​ Information​ ​Line:​ ​541-719-8135
Email:​ ​​
Website:​ ​​
Blog: ​​​
Twitter:​ ​​@CentralORFire
YouTube ​​Channel:​ ​​

Location​ ​of​ Origin:​ ​ ​​9​ miles​ ​ ​west ​of​​ Sisters,​ ​OR
Start​ ​date:​ ​​August​ ​11,​ 2017,​ ​ ​2:42 ​pm​
Size: ​Approximately​​ ​​13,485​ ​acres
Percent​ ​Contained:​ ​​32%
Cause:​ Lightning​​
Resources ​Assigned:​ ​ ​​​673 ​​personnel

Milli Fire
August 25, 2017 Morning Update

Burnout activity continued through the night, working areas to the west of Forest Road 1018 south of OR 242. Burnout activity will continue today and tonight as conditions allow, including pretreating areas outside the burn area with retardant and helicopter bucket drops. Black Butte Ranch residents might see burnout activities along Forest Road 1030 for the next few nights. When complete, the burnout will effectively build a line of defense between the northern end of the fire and the structures and land to the north and east.

Unseasonably dry fuels and forecasted warmer and drier weather is predicted to increase fire activity today. The fire is expected to continue to burn west into the wilderness and to the south into the old Pole Creek Fire scar area.

Work continues with clearing fuels along strategic roadways as well as mop-up along the fire's edge. On the north end of the fire Forest Road 1030, north of OR 242 continues to be prepped as a containment line. Mop-up continues on the east edge of the fire, firefighters are concentrating on the southeast corner which is difficult terrain for the firefighters to access. Forest Road 15 south of the fire's edge continues to be prepped to be used as a containment line.

The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Green Team has triaged over 400 structures in the Black Butte Ranch and Sisters communities while on the Milli Fire. The Green Team leaves to go home today and has turned responsibility of structure protection back to the local fire agencies.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, in consultation with its partners on the Milli Fire, are continually evaluating the need for possible changes to evacuation notices. At this time there are still communities under a Level 1 (Be Ready) and Level 2 (Be Set) evacuation level. The list of communities are listed below. Evacuation questions should be directed to the Deschutes County Sheriff's office non-emergency number: 541-693-6911

Current evacuation levels:
Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes.
Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of Forest Road 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:

Thursday, August 24, 2017

MEDIA RELEASE: Central Oregon Fire Management Evening Update, August 24

Contact: (541) 316-7711

COIDC Evening Update, August 24

Redmond, OR – With warmer temperatures, stronger winds, and clear skies come new fire reports. Unfortunately, more than one of the fires that has been reported today is a result of people having an illegal campfire. Remember, there is complete open fire ban on public lands in central Oregon due to high fire danger. Additionally, there is an Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) 4 in place on public lands, meaning the public cannot cut firewood for personal use.

Air quality conditions continue to be a concern for residents and visitors of central Oregon. Smoke from the Milli Fire, fires in the Willamette National Forest, and from areas as far away as northern California have blanketed the area this week. Air quality conditions have improved today, but with clearing skies the potential for new wildfires and fire activity increases. For information on air quality, visit or

Milli Fire – Firefighters began burnout operations this afternoon, progressing from the fire's edge on the 1018 road to the north. The cold front cleared the skies and allowed aircraft to support the firefighters on the ground. A Type 1 helicopter used bucket drops to help the burnout operations and crews who are continuing to take care of hot spots on the fire edge.

Level 2 (Get Set) - The subdivisions of Crossroads, Edgington/Remunda, Wildwing, Peterson Burn Road Area, and along both sides of Three Creeks Lake Road (Forest Road 16) about one mile south of Sisters from the junction of the Brooks Scanlon logging road.
Level 1 (Ready) - The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Level 1: Means “BE READY” for potential evacuation. Residents should be aware of the danger that exists in their area, monitor emergency services websites and local media outlets for information.
Level 2: Means “BE SET” to evacuate. You must prepare to leave at a moment’s notice.

For information on the Milli Fire, call 541-719-8135 or visit inciweb at

Watkins Fire – Discovered last night, this fire started in the Bend-Fort Rock district of the Deschutes National Forest, east of Fox Butte. This fire quickly crossed into Bureau of Land Management property and has grown to 98 acres this afternoon. There are eight engines, one dozer, and two water tenders continuing to work on the fire this evening.

For more information, follow us at or on Twitter at @CentralORFire. For the Central Oregon Fire Information hotline, please call 541-316-7711.


Milli Fire Evening Update - August 24

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
Youtube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Size: Approximately 12,809 acres
Percent Contained: 32%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 673 personnel

Milli Fire
August 24, 2017 Evening Update
Firefighters began burn operations this afternoon, progressing from the fire's edge on the 1018 road to the north. The cold front cleared the skies of smoke today and allowed aircraft to support the firefighters on the ground. A Type 1 helicopter used bucket drops to help the burnout operations and crews who are continuing to taking care of hot spots on the fire's edge. There has been no large fire growth today, however the fire is still moving into the wilderness.

The long term strategy for the Milli fire includes using all fire management tools, including air, heavy equipment and crews to minimize fire growth. Burnout operations to prevent the west side of the fire from moving north and northeast will continue when the weather allows.

Archery season begins Saturday. If your unit is within the area closure that is currently in place around the Milli Fire, unfortunately you will not be able to hunt in that area until the closure is lifted.

Current evacuation levels:
Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes.
Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of Forest Road 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: For further information go to:
*Cold Springs Campground has been added to the closure.

Smoke monitoring information is available at:

Type 1 Helitanker working on the Milli Fire

Type 1 helitankers suck up water from nearby water sources through the "snorkel" or intake hose that stick down from their belly. They can carry 700 gallons of water. Video credit: @Jeffrey_barker

Public Health Guidance for School Activities

Sharing from the Oregon Health Authority

Air Quality Summary Report - August 24

Sharing from the Whitewater Fire

Milli Fire Morning Update, August 24

Sharing for the SWA Incident Management Team 2

Fire Information Line: 541-719-8135
Twitter: @CentralORFire
Youtube Channel:

Location of Origin: 9 miles west of Sisters, OR
Start date: August 11, 2017, 2:42 pm
Size: Approximately 12,809 acres
Percent Contained: 32%
Cause: Lightning
Resources Assigned: 673 personnel

Milli Fire
August 24, 2017 Morning Update
Burnout activity continued through the night working down Forest Road 1018 south of OR 242. This work is being conducted as an offensive strategy to reduce the fuel load and build a line of defense between the fire and structures to the east should the fire make a run. Burnout activity will continue today as conditions allow.

Current fire behavior has been moderate with isolated torching within the fire perimeter. Fire growth has been on the western side and in the wilderness, it is expected to move slowly towards the lava fields where it will naturally stop. Crews have been taking advantage of the cooler temperatures to strengthen control lines and mop up has been taking place. A cold front moving in today is expected to help break the inversion and clear the air of heavy smoke. This clearing should allow our aircraft, which was grounded yesterday due to lack of visibility, to re-engage today.

The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Green Team spent the last two days preparing 280 structures at the Black Butte Ranch. Firefighters cleared brush, limbs and pine needles away from structures to create a defensible space. Today crews will do more prep work and patrol neighborhoods.

The Milli Fire Incident Command Post (ICP) is moving from the Deschutes County Fairgrounds to the Sisters Rodeo Grounds today. All resources will now be centrally located at the new ICP in Sisters. The fire will continue to be managed under unified command with Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Green Team.

A Public meeting is planned for tonight, Thursday the 24th, 6p.m. at Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire, closures, and evacuations will be provided.

Current evacuation levels:
Level 2– Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences returned to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice on 8/23/17, allowing residents to return to their homes.
Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of Forest Road 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: There has been a modification to the existing closure in place on the Deschutes National Forest, Sisters Ranger District, due to fire activity. For further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at:

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

MEDIA RELEASE: Central Oregon Fire Management Evening Update, August 23

COIDC Evening Update, August 23

Redmond, OR –Although there is a red flag warning for a large portion of the area this afternoon, the gusty winds and lightning has not developed yet here in central Oregon. After the passage of this cold front, gusty winds are forecast to continue through Thursday. Crews will be available to respond to any new fires that occur.

Air quality conditions are forecast to be “Hazardous” in Sisters and “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” for Bend tomorrow. This smoke is from fires burning across Oregon and from as far away as northern California. For information from air quality monitoring stations throughout Oregon, visit or

Milli Fire – Line preparations for future burnouts continued throughout the day on the south side of OR 242. Firefighters continue to monitor the current and forecast weather, waiting for the right conditions to continue the next phase of the burnout. Today’s relative humidity was too high for desired results and a successful outcome, so fire managers have delayed firing operations until conditions improve. Future burnouts will be conducted on both federal and private lands.

Level 2 - The subdivisions of Crossroads, Edgington/Remunda, Wildwing, Peterson Burn Road Area, and along both sides of Three Creeks Lake Road (Forest Road 16) about one mile south of Sisters from the junction of the Brooks Scanlon logging road.
Level 1- The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

A public meeting is planned for Thursday 24, 6p.m. at Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters, Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire, closures, and evacuations will be provided. For more information on the Milli Fire, call the information line at 541-719-8135 or visit inciweb at

North Pole Fire – Located NE of Shaniko. Five engines are responding to the fire again today, and reports indicate the containment lines are holding.

The temporary closure of trails in the Mill Creek Wilderness, Ochoco National Forest, has been rescinded. The following trails are again open to visitors; the Twin Pillars Trail #832; Wildcat Trail #833; and Belknap Trail #833A.

For more information, follow us at or on Twitter at @CentralORFire. For the Central Oregon Fire Information hotline, please call 541-316-7711.


Milli Fire Activity Prompts Expansion of Area Closure

BEND - The northern edge of the area closure currently in place on the Sisters Ranger District has extended to the south of Glaze Meadow and Black Butte Ranch.

While the Milli Fire remains south of Highway 242, fire officials have coordinated with the Deschutes National Forest to extend the closure area. The closure offers operational opportunities for firefighters to build contingency fire line north of the highway. The additional area includes lands west of Forest Road 1008 up south of Glaze Meadow to Forest Road 2060 and its junction with Highway 20. The closure follows a variety of Forest Roads and ties in the Hortense Lake Trailhead that accesses the Mt. Washington Wilderness area. All other closure boundaries remain in place.

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office has downgraded evacuation notices for the Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wild Wing and Three Creeks Road residences to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice, allowing residents to return to their homes. However, the area closure remains in place for the surrounding public lands due to continued active fire in the area. The closure includes Forest Road 16 and all of the following:

Black Crater Trail #4058, Millican Crater Trail #4066, Scott Pass Trail #4068, North Matthieu Lake Trail #4062, Trout Creek Tie Trail #4067, Millican Crater Trailhead, Scott Pass Trailhead, Whispering Pines Campground, Cold Springs Campground, Trout Creek Swamp, Sisters Cow Camp, Chush Falls Trail #4080, Pole Creek Trail #4072 & Trailhead, Metolius Windigo Trail #99 from the Highway 242 crossing to the trail junction with the FSR 4601, Whychus Overlook Trail, Whychus Creek Trail, Demaris Lake Trail #4074.1, Camp Lake Trail #4074, Park Meadow Trail #4075 & Trailhead, Three Creek Lake Campgrounds & associated trails, Tam McArthur Rim TH, Peterson Ridge Trail System.

Graham Corral Horse Camp remains open but is under a Level 1 (Get Ready) evacuation notice along with all areas between Oregon State Highway 242 and Highway 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (Forest Road 1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

The Pacific Crest Trail closure remains in place beginning at Elk Lake and extending to Highway 242. Hikers are encouraged to get a ride north to Britenbush Lake, or take public transit north toward Government Camp near Mt. Hood. See

The public is encouraged to KNOW BEFORE YOU GO by contacting the Sisters Ranger District office at 541-549-7700 if you plan to visit the area.
For more information on the Milli Fire, please visit: or call 541-719-8135.



Milli Fire Evening Update, August 23

Milli Fire Update
August 23, 2017 Evening Update

Level 2 – Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences retuning to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice, allowing residents to return to their homes.

Line preparations for future burnouts continued throughout the day on the south side of OR 242. Firefighters continue to monitor the current and forecasted weather, waiting for the right conditions to continue the next phase of the burnout. Today’s relative humidity was too high for desired results and a successful outcome, so fire managers have delayed firing operations until conditions improve. Future burnouts will be conducted on both federal and private lands.

The Deschutes National Forest has prioritized implementing fuels treatments and prescribed burning around subdivisions for many years. Fire managers on the Milli Fire have been able to utilize these treated areas when planning tactical operations to protect homes and subdivisions from the devastating impact of wildfire. The areas that have been previously treated are allowing lower intensity burnouts and making it safer for the firefighters on the line.

The Milli Fire has always been a full suppression fire. When Milli was reported, rappellers were sent in to suppress the fire while Central Oregon Fire Management Service (COFMS) firefighters responded to over 100 smoke and fire reports across Central Oregon.

The Deschutes National Forest is under a complete open fire ban on public lands. We encourage forest users to bring a propane stove for cooking. We are also at an Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) 4, meaning the public cannot cut firewood for personal use until the IFPL drops. All lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Central Oregon District have a Regulated Closure in effect. This restricts all open fires and other activities which are high risk for starting fires.

A Public meeting is planned for Thursday 24, 6p.m. at Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters Oregon.
Information regarding status of the fire, closures, and evacuations will be provided.

Level 2 – Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wildwing and Three Creeks Road residences retuning to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice, allowing residents to return to their homes.

Level 1 – The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of Forest Road 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: There has been a modification of the area closure in place in the Deschutes National Forest, due to fire activity. For

further information go to:

Smoke monitoring information is available at :


Hiking Trails Reopen in Mill Creek Wilderness

On Tuesday August 22, fire officials announced that the Belknap Fire was 100% contained. Today, August 23rd, the Ochoco National Forest has reopened ALL trails that were temporarily closed due to the fire, which includes the Twill Pillars Trail #832, Wildcat Trail #833, and the Belknap Trail # 833A.

Milli Fire Map for August 23

Video on Weather Conditions and Forecast for Milli Fire and Surrounding Areas

Video on Current Weather Conditions and Forecast

Milli Fire Public Meeting Video from August 22

Milli Fire Morning Update, August 23

Milli Fire
August 23, 2017 Morning Update

Crossroads subdivision, Edgington Road, Remuda Road, Peterson Burn Road, Wild Wing and Three Creeks Road residences returning to Level 2 (Be Set) Evacuation Notice, allowing residents to return to their homes.

With changes in evacuation status the American Red Cross shelter at the Sisters Middle School will provide lunch and dinner to clients today and then is scheduled to close this evening. The Red Cross will operate an Emergency Aid Station on Thursday at the Middle School location where the public is welcome to drop in between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. for breakfast, lunch, snacks, to escape fire smoke, and to access current fire information.

Burnout activity was initiated overnight on the north side of the fire from the containment line along Forest Road 1018 and up to OR242. This work is being conducted as an offensive strategy to reduce the fuel load and build a line of defense between the fire and structures to the east should the fire make a run from the northwest. Burnout activity will continue today as conditions allow in the areas near 1018, as well as north of OR242. Mechanical vegetative removal work will continue in order to further prep these areas for future burnouts.

The northwest, west and southwest sides of the fire remain active. The fire grew near Black Crater Lake, but was moving slowly. On the southwest side, the fire came across Forest Road 1026 burning into old Pole Creek Fire burned area. The western side is in the wilderness and is expected to slowly move towards the lava fields where it will naturally stop. Control lines on the northeastern and southeastern sides of the fire were further reinforced with wider lines and cooling off hot spots around the fire perimeter.

Structural task forces managed by the Oregon State Fire Marshal Office Green Team were out yesterday at the Black Butte Ranch and Tollgate communities to evaluate homes and assist homeowners with making their property better prepared. Those crews have been and will continue to patrol the area and support fire operations. No structures have been destroyed in this fire.

A public meeting is planned for Thursday, August 24, 6 p.m. at the Sisters High School, 1700 McKinney Butte Rd, Sisters, Oregon. Information regarding status of the fire, closures, and evacuations will be provided.

Level 2 - The subdivisions of Crossroads, Edgington/Remuda, Wildwing, Peterson Burn Road Area, and along both sides of Three Creeks Lake Road (Forest Road 16) about one mile south of Sisters from the junction of the Brooks Scanlon logging road.
Level 1- The subdivision of Tollgate, all areas between OR 242 and HWY 20 and west of Cold Springs Cutoff (FS1018), which includes Black Butte Ranch.

Road Closures:
OR242 east of Cascade Crest to the junction of Forest Road 15. For further information see

Forest Closures: There is an area closure in place in the Deschutes National Forest, due to fire activity.
Smoke monitoring information is available at: